Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sometimes it takes a week in the hospital...

Yes, I know I've been totally MIA lately.  But life has been kinda crazy.

It all started with a bullying incident involving two thugs.  Then a couple of life changing events (good ones, but still stressful) one creepy loser, several trips to the vet, a serious case of foot in mouth disease, and finally a week-long hospital stay.  Woohoo!!

Not only have these things left me with no time to design new jewelry (i will again soon, i promise!) they've also made me realize how amazingly blessed I am. 
Look, crappy things are always going to happen, it's just how you deal with them that matters. 

The bullying thugs and creepy loser incidents could have been much worse and turned physical.  But they didn't. 
The life changing events and pet health issues could have went in a totally different direction.  But they didn't.
I apologized and managed to diffuse the foot in mouth situation before it became a whole thing.  It could've went much worse.  But it didn't.
And then there was the hospital stay.  It was seriously the most miserable, painful experience I've ever been through, it was major. 
I could have died. 
But I didn't.

And I'm so incredibly thankful.

I was in a dark place.  But sometimes that's what it takes to bring you out of your complacency and closer to God.

Eeek!  Looking pretty rough.
Feeling much better now!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Skull Obsession

I've always liked creepy stuff.  Vampires, Edgar Allan Poe, spiders, skulls and just macabre in general. 
I was secretly hoping to meet a vampire boyfriend loooong before the Twilight sensation. 
I took 'The Tell-Tale Heart' to bed with me as a kid.  You know, for some light reading material. 
I have a strict catch and release policy when it comes to spiders (no stomping them!)
And I've been drawing, wearing, and decorating with skulls since before I can remember.

So when Target started carrying skull socks, little froo froo dogs were sporting skull sweaters, and skulls popped up on bibs and diapers I realized skulls had officially hit mainstream.
I gotta say I was kind of bummed.  My fear was that once the novelty wore off they would be seen as outdated and I would be like one of those people who still pegged their jeans in 1996 (we all know this went out of style at least by 1994). 

But alas, I believe the skull is here to stay! 
Thank God because lately that seems like all I've been making in my jewelry world. 

Dainty Skulls

Mohawk Skull

Guitar Pick Skull

Big skulls, tiny skulls, mohawk skulls, and even musically inclined skulls.   

And I'm sure many more skulls to come.  So even if the world falls out of love with the skull, I don't really care.  I'll still be rocking them...and I know a few of you will too. 

ps~ i'm totally one of those people who put a skull sweater on my froo froo dog :/